Structure of the Industry

The banking industry is made up of different types of banks including retail banks, virtual banks, brokerage houses, and investment banks.  This page summarizes the basic ideas involved in the structure of the banking industry. For our project we chose to focus on retail banking and internet banking because the internet has effected these areas of the banking industry more than the others.



Players in the Internet Banking Industry:

 Retail Banking Sites:

Virtual Banking Sites:

Internet Banking Sites:

Brokerage Houses: 

Investment banks:


The following link provides Domestic Deposit Market Share for Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chae. WikiInvest Article. 



Determinants of Industry Structure/ Competition: 



(Image from this site)

What Do They Do? 


Features and capabilities of Retail and Online Banking:


Non-transactional (e.g. online statements, check links, cobrowsing, chat)

Sample of Online Functionalities:


Structure Change Since the Introduction of the Internet: